日子一点点过去,大理石也越来越沉稳了。如今的她,面对流言蜚语,已然从容淡定——因为她相信,时间将证明一切,所有的误会与谣言将不攻自破。 果不其然。日前,中国石材协会发布了《关于大理石产品对人体无放射性危害的通告》,为大理石正名;此外,最新公布的国家标准GB50325-2010《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》中明确了大理石不需出具放射性检测报告。国家石材质量监督检验中心澄清了困扰大理石石材业界多年的“放射危害说”,大理石的委屈终于得到了“洗白”。
Heavenly Creations, beauty of natural stone. Marble, like all the beautiful jade, gem, buried deep in the bottom of the natural mountain, nourish the millennium, beautiful. Nature endowed each marble different scene, like the water, mountains, sunset, sea of clouds…… Beauty stone so, marble from ancient times is widely respected and loved. Chinese in ancient times, people often choose to make screen or marble mosaic paintings; in Europe, the marble is Michelangelo Mousika artists such as inspiration, was enshrined in the High Castle, the Holy Church, after the time of change in all weathers. Today, she is still the choice of high-grade construction decoration material.
However, the beautiful things are lonely. "Poppy toxic, roses have thorns" -- people for beautiful things always fear. Accompanied by the beautiful and famous, came on the heels of doubt: Marble so beautiful, whether also has a "defect (hidden)"? In intentional design, some interest groups appeared to be "reasonable" and made of marble "radiation said". Since then, the marble was put on a trumped up "radiation" hat ", suffered unrighted wrong" her heart never have infinite injustice, but nowhere to vent.
The authority of the state agency for marble name
The days passed, the marble is also more and more calm. She is today, in the face of tattle and prate, already calm -- because she believed that, time will prove everything, all the rumors and misunderstanding will collapse of itself.
Indeed. Recently, China Stone Association published "on the marble products non radioactive hazard of the notice" to the human body, is a marble name; in addition, the latest national standard GB50325-2010 "civil engineering indoor environmental pollution control norms" clearly the marble without a radioactive detection report. The national stone quality supervision and inspection center clarify the puzzling marble stone industry for many years "radiation hazard", marble grievances finally obtained the "wash white".
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