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2015-11-11 14:09:52




































New urbanization

Will bring 16 years period of development for the stone industry

China last year's urbanization rate is about 53%, to reach 70% of the level of moderately developed countries, it will take at least 16 years. This means that the traditional engineering decoration market, there are 16 years period of development.

Stone industry in the past two years did not have, in the complicated and changeable international situation, with the slowdown in domestic economic steady trend continues, stone industry faces the domestic and foreign environment did not change much, the market environment is becoming more and more serious. According to the latest release of "October Chinese - Shuitou index" month boom analysis report showed that, influenced by the international and domestic economic environment, the traditional stone export market growth realized in the near future less likely to rise, the domestic and international market demand slightly inhibited, relatively on the month order contract slightly reduced, the economic efficiency of enterprises closed down, October stone industry overall boom index trend continuation down slightly from last month.

Under such suffering, "closely follow the situation, developing together" also became a stone industry demand. In November 8th, the third session of the head stone International Forum scene bobs. Domestic and foreign stone together, sharing wisdom feast. In addition to the inter industry exchanges, industry experts advice, interpretation of the economic situation and the trend of industry, but also to let the layers of dense fog in the stone industry gradually clear.

Traditional decoration market and 16 year development period

"In fact, make stone people worried about the financial crisis in 2008 and did not cause much impact on the market, in 2009 -2010 years, the industry is still in the rising stage. But by 2012, the stone industry growth rate began to decline, in September of this year the growth rate dropped to 10% level." Analysis of Chinese stone association president Zou Chuansheng, although the domestic stone industry is still in the stage of high-speed growth, but the industry downward pressure increases.

The strategy of regional development China has from the East, medium, western development strategy to upgrade to the Beijing Tianjin Hebei linkage, the Yangtze River economic belt, Silk Road Economic Belt, Silk Road on the Sea Economic Zone Development Strategy, which put forward new development issues to the stone industry and enterprise.

"Over the past 30 years, the town bring great opportunity to the stone industry, stone production and sales have been growing." Zou Chuansheng said, Chinese last year's urbanization rate is about 53%, to reach 70% of the level of moderately developed countries, it will take at least 16 years. This means that the traditional engineering decoration market, there are 16 years period of development.

So, in this 16 years, what the market is stone industry to be developed? Zou Chuansheng thinks, the home market is the mainstream of the future. "Look from statistical data, the above scale retail market, building and decoration materials retail sales growth has maintained steady growth. Even this year the real estate market is not good, building and decoration materials in the retail market is still maintained a 12% increase in total."

Zou Chuansheng calculated brushstroke Zhang to stone people. According to the annual report 2012 statistics, the national urban population of 711820000 people, the government work report per 32.9 square meters of housing, housing ownership is 23420000000 square meters. If in accordance with the national secondary apartment layout a 100 square meters of housing ownership to count, there are 2 million sets. "Jiezhuang market has huge potential, demand for stone, 16 years of transient, if the enterprise does not pay close attention to the transformation, will soon fall into a passive." Zou Chuansheng said, "the stone industry to to tooling and pay equal attention to Jiezhuang transition from tooling."

Intensive approved infrastructure projects to release the steady growth of signal

Macroeconomic volatility, always affects the stone industry boom fluctuation. In Zhu Mengnan view, the current macroeconomic situation China considerable pressure. "30 years of reform and opening up, Chinese GDP growth, the average was 9%, this year has been to appear constantly center of gravity downward adjustment of economic operation situation, center of gravity down, a lot of pressure."

However, he believes that enterprises should be the overall situation of optimism. He said, the party since the Third Plenary Session of the eighteen, China government promulgated a series of policies to stimulate the economy, it is the most powerful force for the development of the domestic economy.

According to Zhu Mengnan, held in the General Administration of Customs on 2013 a quarter of China's import and export situation conference data shows, the fourth quarter of 2012, the national development and Reform Commission approved a total of about 7 yuan of investment projects, mainly relates to rail transportation, highway, airport and other infrastructure projects, these are closely linked and stone industry a big project.

In 2014, policy force brought more obvious market stimulation. This year in October 16th to November 5th of 21 days, the national development and Reform Commission has approved 16 railways and 5 airport project, the 21 projects a total investment of 693374000000 yuan. Zhu Mengnan said, the national development and Reform Commission intensive approved infrastructure projects to hedge, weak real estate fields, release the obvious intention of steady growth.

Zhu Mengnan is very optimistic about the macro economic environment. He said, 1981 to 1994 is the domestic economic recovery growth period, 1994 to 2012 is the period of economic rise. In the next 20 years, if China economic breakthrough development bottleneck, so in 2012 -2032 years will be China economic take-off period.

New urbanization will create a huge demand for decoration industry

"Although the economy downward pressure increase, but the decoration industry association development trend is still strong. Last year the industry total amount is 2.96 yuan, grow 12% than last year over year." In the economic situation downturn, Zhu Shijun's no doubt let everyone confidence vibration.

But after seeing the growth rate at the same time, this year's decoration industry development situation of slowdown in reality also had cause for concern.

"In the past ten years, decoration industry has maintained rapid development, until 2013, in the economic slowdown situation, any one industry be affected by macroeconomic policies, decoration industry is no exception." Zhu Shijun said that in the past few months, he visited many famous enterprises, and from the person in charge of the enterprise that the current market situation is not optimistic. "This year, three or four months, work clothing enterprise is very anxious, has the development prospects of feeling; to five or six months, we breathe a sigh of relief, slightly better; and to the eight or nine month, the situation worsened." He said that next year on the part of enterprises, may not just the slowdown, but negative growth problems.

Even so, he is still optimistic about the prospects for decoration industry. "Urbanization rate of annual increase of 1 percentage points would bring 13000000 urban population, the 13000000 people in need of housing, entertainment facilities, restaurants, will bring a steady stream of market."

According to introduction, two years ago, Chinese dress has made a research and Study on prediction: the next 3 years, China's stock market to the decoration 1.8 trillion yuan in 1.5 trillion yuan, mainly from the building renovation and expansion, the function of the transfer, the incremental market will reach 1.6 yuan to 2.1 yuan. "Decoration industry development in the future can use three words to describe: development pressure, next year the situation is not optimistic; has a long-term growth space; there is a strong demand for support." Zhu Shijun said.

"Good culture" can make enterprises sustainable development

These two years, how to excavate the cultural connotation of becoming the popular topic of stone, stone culture marketing be just unfolding.

Why should we talk about stone culture? "I think the ultimate attribution, traditional stone industrial transformation and upgrading of the final method is to culture industry, also is the stone culture." Liu Liang is so answer.

He said, at present, the traditional stone industry in the process of transformation and upgrading, will inevitably encounter some problems and puzzles, first is the enterprise should transition or upgrade. Secondly, the enterprise is bigger or stronger? Enterprises how to avoid temptation, focus on the development of. He thinks, the enterprise should stand on solid ground, do not aim too high, the first major, focus, and then seek a stronger. The transformation is a qualitative change, upgrade is a gradual process, there is a hierarchy, with version at all.

"I think there are 4 version, 1 is a good product, the product is the upgrading of foundation; 2 is a good business, good business support good products; 3 is a good brand, do enterprise must do brand, so as to create blue ocean, from the price war; the 4 version is good culture, is also the industry culture." Liu Liang said, only good culture can achieve inheritance, could let enterprises, the whole industry sustainable development. At present, English is still in the process of benign upgrade step by step in.

Liu Liang also said, speaking culture cannot be a powerful and unconstrained style, must be based on the industry foundation, built on the real economy. Yingliang is currently preparing for a "impression of No. five" stone culture museum, as the carrier of the dissemination of stone culture.

According to the introduction, in addition to the establishment of professional museum, Ying Liang group has worked with the Xiamen University anthropology professor Shi Ji "compilation", namely, the history of the development of human civilization and the stone, to explore the profound meaning of stone culture, do what little one can to help for the stone culture.

The real estate industry or into the stable development period

Stone industry and the real estate industry is closely related to. Therefore, the real estate trend, has also been a lot of people concerned about the weather vane of stone. Look in Yang Pingyu, although the speed of development and the development path of policy regulation will temporarily change the real estate industry, but the development direction and mode of the real estate industry will still follow the market go.

Yang Pingyu judgment, classification regulation, the city policy will still be the main tone of this year the real estate regulation. Premier Li Keqiang pointed out in the government work report of 2014: "in view of the different urban classification regulation, increase the medium and small commercial housing units and common property right of housing supply, curb speculative investment demand, and promote the sustained and healthy development of the real estate market." Under this background, the real estate industry is restricted to buy policy up to now has a large range of exit, policy accordingly open.

He pointed out that, China economy will change from a period of rapid growth to high-speed growth period. Despite the economic slowdown, but the economic structure adjustment, industrial restructuring and upgrading, system reform enters deep water area and other factors, are conducive to promoting the development of the real estate industry to refinement, service orientation, the real estate industry will continue to play an important role in the economic development and new urbanization.

At present, to cancel the administrative purchase, in opening up the central bank limited credit, real estate turnover rebounded, but still does not appear substantial changes in sales overall improvement. He predicted, the future government will maintain the main tone, classification regulation based on this, the real estate market will be more present, characteristics of regional differences; real estate supply and demand will be more by the market factors, the industry is expected to enter the stage of stable development.

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